Dimmy the dinosaur was riding on his new yellow roller skates that have flames on them and go really, really ,really fast like lightning McQueen. So he got to work at the hospital and there was someone sick and the doctor needed help so he called dimmy to help him. After work he went to the pool on top of the hospital and he swam very, very fast and was racing a tiny yellow fish. The tiny yellow fish won the race so he went home while he was very wet from the pool and then he went to to his bed and went to sleep.


Dimmy woke up to his alarm at 7:00 and he jumped out of bed and got dressed in his police uniform and went to Starbucks on the way to the station and got coffee and donuts for the other policemen when he got there he got to his desk and started to eat the donuts RING called the phone its the chief dimmy!!!! there is a bank robber and I need you to get him ok said dimmy so he hopped in his car strate away and he saw the robber. its a high speed chase!! CRASH dimmy hit a building. But I didn’t mean to hit it that hard.

Dimmy the lumber jack

Dimmy was working in his work shop and he made a invention called the tree chopper when he got a call from the lumber jack job ‘hello dimmy this is bob from the lumber jack job we need some help chopping down trees but beware there is a tree monster with big hairy arms around these parts ok said dimmy so he hopped in his car and drove to the job when he got there he saw a tree and swung at it and made a big BANG!!!!! like a gun ROAR oh no its the monster AHHHH said dimmy.


it was nine o’clock and the octopus set an alarm but it didn’t go off and he sleeped in ring ring ‘wats that noise its my phone” ‘hello this is the pub and you are late to your booking” ‘sorry I sleeped in il be write there said the octopus. so the octopus got dressed in his white suit and drove to the pub once he got there. there was a piano playing and he saw his friend dimmy and he brought his new invention the springing boots and he was jumping around in the pub your not very gentle said the octopus.